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Support our work with your donation!


If you’re not already a member, the first thing to do is to join our branch. Once you’ve done that, if you want to support our work against discrimination, improving health, empowering communities and enriching our youth, your dollars will make a difference!


Your extra gift to the NAACP enables us to fight more discrimination, on both the individual and systemic level.  It also helps us support those who have been the victims of so many years of discrimination.


You can either donate to the Branch in general, or you can choose from one of our Youth Programs; ACT-SO for high school youth, STEM Camp and SWAG for middle school students.  Finally, our Back-to-School Stay-in-School program helps parents and kids get ready for the new school year.


Donations to the NAACP San Diego Branch are not deductible for Federal income tax purposes.

Support Our Cause

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